Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Protecting Your Skin - Coppertone Deal You Won't Want To Miss

Using sunscreen to protect your skin is very important.  For every sunburn you have, your risk of developing skin cancer increases greatly.  Sun exposure can also greatly increase those wrinkles and signs of aging.

This week Target has a sale on Coppertone sunscreen where you buy one and get one for 50% off.  If you go to , their is a coupon for $2 off any Coppertone Clearly Sheer product that you can print.  You can print 2 coupons per computer or device you are printing from.  Target has a coupon policy where you can't use more than 4 of the same coupon per day, so I printed 4.  You can also put the Target Cartwheel app on your smartphone where you can go through the offers on there and add them to where the store scans your barcode on your phone and you can increase your savings.  Right now on the Cartwheel app, there is an offer for an additional 25% off of any Coppertone Clearly Sheer product.

I went into the store and purchased 4 Coppertone Clearly Sheer items pictured below that were priced at $6.99 each with the second one being $3.49 (remember this week the second one is 50% off).  I then used the 4 coupons I printed and had them scan my Cartwheel barcode.

This brough the total for everything to $8.63 that I had to pay making each item cost $2.15 with tax.  My total savings was $20.26 or I saved 70%.  Sunscreen can get pricy and I have always found any Coppertone product I have used to be excellent quality and to be very effective in keeping my family's skin from getting sunburnt.  Remember, you are supposed to reapply sunscreen every 2-3 hours when out for extended periods of time.

This sale is running until midnight this Saturday night so if I was you, I would catch this sale before it is over.

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