Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Color Run Fun!!

This past weekend, my boys and I had a wonderful new experience!  We participated in our local 5K Color Run.  At the age of 41, I can now say that I have done a 5K and say that my boys have done their first 5K with their mom!  When I heard about this event and read that it was an untimed, non-competitive 5K in which you could walk or run, I saw it as a perfect opportunity for us.  Not to mention the fact that you get to be sprayed with color.  When I told the boys about it they became excited very quickly and agreed to join our "team".  In fact, after I signed us up about a month prior, every week my youngest 2 kept asking when it was over and over because they could hardly wait.

As the day approached last week and I checked the weather report, it looked like we might be in for some thunderstorms and rain.  The day before I prayed that the weather would at least hold through the event.  Fortunately, while it did rain for part of it, the rain was light and not pelting down and did end part way through.  As you can see from the picture above, I made and wore my first ever tutu for the event and found colorful bandanas for the boys to wear.  Our shirts along with a color packet came with our registration.  The boys had so much fun throwing and smearing on their color packets before we started the 5K that morning.  Then there were 4 color stations that sprayed more color on us throughout the 5K.  The rain just added to soaking the colors in and making them a little more vibrant.  We had a blast and just used the rain and cool breeze as an excuse to stop for hot chocolates (ok, yes that did mean coffee for me), before heading home.  I had brought towels along to spread on our van seats to help keep the color from transferring.

The boys were excited to wear their shirts to school on Monday to show their teachers they had participtated in a 5K and already are talking about us doing it again next year.  My oldest son is even wondering if we might be able to find a local zombie run 5K to participate in.  I think that this experience has been great for our family to promote physical activity and look forward to having many more experiences with my boys like this one!  I would greatly encourage anyone who hasn't participated in an event like this to consider it.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun idea! Love the pics.
    Hi! Stopping by from Mom Bloggers Club. Great blog!
    Have a nice day!
