Thursday, May 22, 2014

Pets In The Family And How Your Children Can Benefit

We had a dog before my oldest was born and I grew up on a farm with many pets.  It has been interesting to see since my children were babies, to my oldest now being almost 12 years old, what having a dog to us now having 3 dogs has affected them.  It has meant that from the time they were old enough as babies to start moving around, that they have been taught the right way to treat animals.  They were taught from the beginning that they couldn't "pull" on the dog and that they had to be gentle, they couldn't "ride" the dog, or treat them in any other malicious way.  I believe this has helped them learn how to treat animals with respect and compassion.  Our dogs have become their "best friends".  

When my oldest was almost 6, we had gotten a new puppy, when I learned from a coworker about dog 4-H.  I grew up involved with 4-H for 9 years in the Home Ec. branch and know what a wonderful program it is.  Let me tell you that if I had had the opportunity to be in dog 4-H, I would have been right in my element!  When I called the leader to find out more, I was surprised that she encouraged my almost 6 year old to start with a 9 week old puppy!  Now, all 3 of my boys are involved, thus why we have 3 dogs.  My youngest, who turns 6 next month, is now a Cloverbud.

With being in 4-H, it has meant that my boys have learned/are learning how to be responsible and compassionate pet owners.  They learn how to take care of their dogs and I can proudly say, that my oldest son has fed our dogs EVERY day for over 4 years!  He will be turning 12 in October.  In July each summer, their 4-H group goes to our local Animal Shelter every Tuesday for 2 hours and help walk and groom the dogs at the shelter.  In fact this is how we adopted Teddy 5 years ago as a senior dog, that unfortunately passed away last October.  He was my oldest son's 4-H dog for 3 years and it was heartbreaking for the boys when he passed away last fall.  However, this experience has also helped them learn a valuable life lesson on dying and losing someone/something and how to cope.

We also adopted Herman the pug from the animal shelter 3 years ago and he automatically became my oldest son's best friend.  He has slept with him every night since coming home with us.  My oldest even reads out loud to him every night before going to sleep and has become his new 4-H dog since Teddy passed away last fall.

Every Thursday evening from April, until after the fair at the end of August, their 4-H group practices Obedience training and Fitting & Showing.  What is funny, is that the dogs love going just as much as the boys!

If you ask my youngest son, he will tell you that there are 8 "people" in our family - Mom, Dad, 3 boys and 3 dogs!  I truly believe that my boys growing up with pets, is helping them grow into compassionate, respectful and responsible young men.

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