Monday, March 24, 2014

Sassy Water

Have you heard of Sassy Water? I hadn't until about six weeks ago.  We have all been told how it's important to drink lots of water (8-10 glasses a day) for our bodies to function properly.  In the morning I love my coffee and again mid afternoon, but I always try to make sure that I'm drinking enough water as well throughout the day. Some days are easier than others, and with being raised in the country with  well water, I do not like drinking city water.  As you can see above I made my first batch in a large jar.  I was amazed when I tasted it at how refreshing it was and I immediately began drinking a lot more water.  Because of the items in it it may also have other health benefits which I find interesting.

To make a batch of sassy water I use: 1 medium lemon, 1 medium lime, 1 small cucumber peeled, 12 fresh mint leaves, and 1 teaspoon of fresh grated ginger. I have found that as the batch is getting low I can refill my jar or container and let it sit and use the same batch I've chopped up for about a week until I start fresh. I learned the hard way that it is important to peel the cucumber as I made my second batch without doing this and it had a bitter taste to it. You can see from the picture above that the lemon,lime, and cucumber are thinly sliced.

You can imagine how excited I was when I found the jugs below at Costco two weeks ago with the basket to use to make my sassy water! It came with two jugs with the basket as well as another netting for making tea for $24.99.

I alternate the basket between jugs. Every time I fill one jug up fresh, I let it sit for at least eight hours to let the flavor infuse. It is great because this allows me to have one jug ready and another one sitting infusing for when I'm finished the one that I'm drinking.

Some of the added health benefits that sassy water may have are as follows:
1) Added fiber to your water and diet because of the ingredients.
2) Soothe your stomach and help digestion because of the grated ginger and mint leaves. As well these items may help decrease bloating in your stomach.
3) It may increase your energy levels because you are staying hydrated.
4) It may aid weight-loss as drinking lots of water helps you stay full on less calories.
5) The cucumber and lemon tend to act as natural diuretics.

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