Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Tria Age-Defying Laser - Being Chosen For Their Ambassador Program

At the beginning of February, I filled out an application that Tria  posted on Facebook to be part of their Ambassador program for their new Age-Defying Laser .  You can imagine my excitement when I received an e-mail on February 7th that I had been chosen as 1 of 5 out of over 100 applicants to be part of their Ambassador program.  Being chosen meant that Tria was going to send me their Age-Defying Laser, along with their Priming Cleanser and Finishing Serum.  What an amazing opportunity!  In doing so, they asked that I follow the recommended treatment protocol over 12 weeks, take pictures before starting and then each week in the same lighting and position not smiling (they say not smiling shows your wrinkles and the results over time better), and share my experience/results with everyone.

So what is the Tria Age-Defying Laser?  It is a handheld anti-aging laser for personal use at home that is FDA approved.  I point out that it is FDA approved because that is very important to me when it comes to safety and it means a lot to me that a company believes in their products to go through obtaining this approval.  The at home part is significant, because many people spend thousands of dollars seeking in-office professional treatment.  I am a frugal person and so the option of being able to do this in the comfort of my home at a fraction of the cost is a great opportunity.  The Age-Defying Laser is supposed to work to promote a natural collagen renewal to help diminish fine lines and wrinkles and achieve a more radiant, smooth complexion.  So far, reports are showing that up to 83% of users say that they have found the Age-Defying laser to be as effective as professional laser treatments.  Plus, once you own it, it is yours to be able to repeat 12 week cycles of treatment as you feel is necessary (they do recommend though that you take a 1 month break between 12 week cycles).

I started my week one of treatment on the training level 1.  It is recommended that you do your treatments in the evening so that if you have any redness from the treatments that can diminsh overnight and allows the skin renewal to begin overnight.  I used the priming cleanser to clean my face as they say this helps to remove makeup, sunscreen and any other impurities that may be clogging your pores and make the treatments less effective.  I would like to point out that I have very sensitive skin and find that there is very few products on my face that don’t cause irritation so I was a little nervous.  I was happy to find that the cleaser was very mild, but effective and that I have not experienced any irritation with it.  I then turned the laser onto level 1 and treated each “zone” of my face for the time I was supposed to (30 seconds to start out).  There are specific directions that show you each zone and the laser makes it really easy because it times each zone and beeps to let you know to move to the next zone.  When the last zone is complete the laser shuts off.  Then you apply the Finishing Serum to help soothe and hydrate your skin. During the treatment I felt little warm pricks or tingling that were not painful, just slightly uncomfortable.  When I applied the finishing serum I was in love immediately!  It is not greasy at all, but feels more silky.  My skin felt so soft and wonderful.  That first week I noticed that any redness and tingling I experienced was gone within an hour or two of treatment.

The first week is meant to help you get into a routine and get used to using the laser.  You treat for 5 days and then take a break for 2 days.  I admit that it was hard to wait the 2 days to start the next level!  The main thing that I noticed the first week was my skin feeling softer and smoother.  I would also like to mention that they recommend using sunscreen in the mornings to help protect the benefits, maintain results, and help prevent new damage.  This was always part of my routine in the mornings when I put my makeup on

The second and third weeks I moved up to Level 2 treatment again treating for 5 days and then taking a break for 2 days.  On level 2, each zone is 60 seconds for a total treatment time of 4 minutes.  On level 2, I found the pricks or tingling to be just a little stronger, but again not painful.  I noticed a little more redness to my face after treatment, but again it was gone within a few hours.  What I started to notice during these 2 weeks is that the creases, or laugh lines around my mouth are less noticeable, the creases in the center of my forehead are lessening and looking more shallow and an age spot just below my left eye looks like it is fading.  My skin feels great (and I think looks great).  I am excited for the next 8 weeks on level 3 which I am thinking the results are just going to get even better!
I will post my pictures and links to the youtube videos I have done and hope you will follow me.  I would like to point out that Tria gave me the laser and product to use, but are not paying me anything and simply asking me to give feedback on my experience.  I am not personally selling these products, but there is link on the side of my blog that you can use if you are interested in purchasing.

Getting ready for my first treatment.


After week 1

After week 2

After week 3
I would like to point out that I am not good at taking selfies and that to me these pictures really don't show the results the way I am seeing them.

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